What is Disney’s Vendor Audit

Disney’s vendor audit is a comprehensive program designed to assess and monitor the social and environmental performance of its suppliers and licensees around the world. The program is based on a set of standards known as the Disney Code of Conduct, which outlines the company’s expectations for ethical business practices and sustainability.

The Disney Vendor Audit program includes several components, including:

  1. Audits and assessments – Disney conducts regular audits and assessments of its suppliers and licensees to ensure compliance with the Disney Code of Conduct. These audits cover a range of issues, including labor standards, human rights, health and safety, and environmental management.
  2. Corrective action plans – If issues are identified during an audit, Disney works with suppliers and licensees to develop corrective action plans to address the problems and ensure ongoing compliance.
  3. Capacity building and training – Disney provides training and capacity-building programs to help suppliers and licensees improve their social and environmental performance. These programs cover topics such as labor rights, worker health and safety, and responsible environmental management.
  4. Supplier collaboration – Disney works closely with its suppliers and licensees to encourage collaboration and sharing of best practices. The company also collaborates with industry groups and other stakeholders to promote sustainable business practices and address common challenges.

By implementing the Vendor Audit program, Disney aims to ensure that its products are produced in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, and that its suppliers and licensees are held to high ethical standards. The program is an important part of Disney’s broader sustainability strategy, which includes commitments to reduce waste, conserve resources, and support communities around the world.